Understanding Advanced TypeScript and Knex Integration for Clean and Efficient Database Interactions

In this post, we’ll dive deep into a TypeScript module that leverages advanced techniques to interact with a database using Knex.js, ensuring clean and efficient data handling. We will break down the code, explain the key concepts, and highlight the advantages of this approach.

Concepts Used

  1. TypeScript Type Definitions:

    • We use advanced type definitions from TypeScript and the type-fest library to ensure our data conforms to specific shapes. This improves type safety and makes our code more predictable and less prone to errors.
  2. Zod for Schema Validation:

    • Zod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library. It allows us to define schemas for our data models and validate them at runtime.
  3. Knex.js for Database Interactions:

    • Knex.js is a SQL query builder for Node.js. It allows us to write SQL queries in a programmatic and type-safe way.
  4. Utility Functions for Case Conversion:

    • Functions like CamelToSnakeCase and SnakeToCamelCase help convert object keys between camelCase and snake_case, ensuring consistency between JavaScript objects and database records.
  5. Type Guards:

    • Type guards, such as isContactDto, help us ensure that our data matches the expected types before performing operations, enhancing runtime safety.

Code Explanation

import type { Knex } from 'knex';
import { CamelCase, CamelCasedProperties, SnakeCase, SnakeCasedProperties } from 'type-fest';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { knex } from '../db';

//#region Tools

type IterableGenericObject = { [k: string]: any };

function prefixObjectKeys(obj: { [k: string]: any }, prefix: string) {
    return Object.fromEntries(
            .map(([k, v]) => [`${prefix}${k}`, v])

export function CamelToSnakeCase<T extends string>(str: T): SnakeCase<T> {
    return str.toString()
        .map((char) => (char.toUpperCase() === char ? '_' : '') + char.toLowerCase())
        .join('') as SnakeCase<T>;

export function SnakeToCamelCase<T extends string>(str: T): CamelCase<T> {
    return str.toString()
        .map((char, i, a) => {
            if (i < 1) return char.toLowerCase();
            if (char === '_') return '';
            if (a[i - 1] === '_') return char.toUpperCase();
            return char.toLowerCase();
        .join('') as CamelCase<T>;

export function ObjectToSnakeCasedProperties<
    I extends IterableGenericObject,
    O = SnakeCasedProperties<I>
>(obj: I, keyMap: Map<keyof I, keyof O> = new Map()) {
    return Object.fromEntries(
            .map(([prop, value]) => [
                keyMap.get(prop) || CamelToSnakeCase(prop),
            ] as const)
    ) as O;

export function ObjectToCamelCasedProperties<
    I extends IterableGenericObject,
    O = CamelCasedProperties<I>
>(obj: I, keyMap: Map<keyof I, keyof O> = new Map()) {
    return Object.fromEntries(
            .map(([prop, value]) => [
                keyMap.get(prop) || SnakeToCamelCase(prop),
            ] as const)
    ) as O;


//#region Contact domain

export const ContactSchema = z.object({
    id: z.number().positive().gt(0),
    firstName: z.string().min(1),
    lastName: z.string().min(1),
    phoneNumber: z.string().min(8).max(15),

export const ContactDtoSchema = ContactSchema.partial();
export const ContactUpsertDtoSchema = ContactSchema.omit({ id: true });

export type Contact = z.infer<typeof ContactSchema>;
export type ContactDto = z.infer<typeof ContactDtoSchema>;
export type ContactUpsertDto = z.infer<typeof ContactUpsertDtoSchema>;
export type ContactTableItem = SnakeCasedProperties<Contact>;

// Type guard example:
export function isContactDto(obj: Record<string, any>): obj is ContactDto {
    return ContactSchema.deepPartial().safeParse(obj).success;

export function isContactUpsertDto(obj: Record<string, any>): obj is ContactUpsertDto {
    return ContactUpsertDtoSchema.safeParse(obj).success;


//#region Contact repository

function getKnexInstance(knexInstance = knex) {
    return (knexInstance as Knex<ContactTableItem, ContactTableItem[]>)(`contacts`);

export const ContactFields = Object.freeze(Object.values(ContactSchema.keyof().Values));

export async function queryContact(contactWhere: ContactDto, fields = ContactFields, txn?: typeof knex): Promise<Contact | null> {
    if (!isContactDto(contactWhere)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid contact given');

    const qb = fields.reduce((queryBuilder, col) => {
        return queryBuilder.select(`c.${col}`);
    }, getKnexInstance(txn));

    const where = prefixObjectKeys(ObjectToSnakeCasedProperties<ContactDto>(contactWhere), 'c.');

    const results = await qb
        .from<ContactTableItem, ContactTableItem[]>({ c: 'contacts' })

    const [firstContactRow] = results;

    return firstContactRow
        ? ObjectToCamelCasedProperties<ContactTableItem>(firstContactRow)
        : null;

export async function insertContact(contact: ContactUpsertDto, txn?: typeof knex): Promise<number> {
    if (!isContactUpsertDto(contact)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid contact DTO given');
    const [first] = await getKnexInstance(txn)
        .returning('id') as Pick<ContactTableItem, 'id'>[];

    return first.id;

export async function updateContact(id: Contact['id'], contact: ContactUpsertDto, txn?: typeof knex): Promise<void> {
    if (!isContactUpsertDto(contact)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid contact DTO given');
    await getKnexInstance(txn)
        .update(ObjectToSnakeCasedProperties<Omit<ContactDto, 'id'>>(contact))
        .where({ id });

export async function deleteContact(id: Contact['id'], txn?: typeof knex): Promise<void> {
    await getKnexInstance(txn).where({ id }).delete();

export async function listContacts(where = {} as ContactDto, fields = ContactFields, txn?: typeof knex): Promise<Contact[]> {
    const qb = fields.reduce((queryBuilder, col) => {
        return queryBuilder.select(`c.${col}`);
    }, getKnexInstance(txn));

    const results: ContactTableItem[] = await qb.where(where).from<ContactTableItem>({ c: 'contacts' });
    return results.map((record) => ObjectToCamelCasedProperties(record));


Advantages of This Approach

  1. Type Safety:

    • By using TypeScript and Zod, we ensure that our data structures are strictly typed. This reduces the risk of runtime errors and improves code reliability.
  2. Consistent Naming Conventions:

    • The utility functions CamelToSnakeCase and SnakeToCamelCase ensure that object keys are consistently formatted, facilitating the interaction between JavaScript (camelCase) and SQL databases (snake_case).
  3. Reusability and Maintainability:

    • The modular design, with utility functions and well-defined schemas, makes the codebase easier to maintain and extend. Adding new features or modifying existing ones becomes straightforward.
  4. Clear Separation of Concerns:

    • The code is divided into logical sections, such as tools, domain definitions, and repository functions. This separation makes the code easier to understand and manage.
  5. Improved Validation:

    • Using Zod for schema validation ensures that data conforms to the expected formats, catching errors early in the development process.
  6. Efficient Database Queries:

    • Knex.js provides a powerful query-building mechanism, and our approach ensures that queries are type-safe and optimized for performance.


This approach leverages the strengths of TypeScript, Zod, and Knex.js to create a robust, maintainable, and type-safe data handling layer. By ensuring consistent naming conventions and thorough validation, we can build reliable applications that are easier to develop and maintain.

This article should provide you with a solid foundation to implement similar techniques in your own projects, enhancing the quality and reliability of your code.