Things I’ve made trying to put my dent in the universe.

I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.


  • QTube

    A desktop app built with Electron and Vue.js using Quasar Framework

  • Égua do artigo

    Project to bypass paywalls on Medium articles

  • AbaetéFest

    App to help people find the best events and more in Abaeté, Brazil

  • RN-Zendesk

    Bridge between Zendesk and React Native

  • React-Native-Zoom-US-Bridge

    Bridge between Zoom and React Native

  • Me Pague O que Dev

    Webapp to send anonymous messages to people who owe you money, built with Node and Vue.js using Lambda and Giphy API

  • Squash Hardcore

    Game built with Construct 2

  • Personal Board v1

    A personal board to manage tasks and boards, built with Vue.js and Vuex

Client's projects

  • Gstack

    A newsletter platform for journalists and writers. Built with Next.js, MongoDB, NestJS, Heroku, Redis, Sendgrid, Stripe, and more.

  • Speech to text Analyzer

    Project built inside the Intelliway for a specific client, where I built a speech to text analyzer with RabitMQ, Aws Speech, Google Speech, CPQD Speech, NestJS, MongoDB and React

  • Sua conta BASA

    Built the frontend with Vue.js, we create a entire new webapp to open accounts

  • HintClub/CartoLoL

    Fantasay League of Legends game built with VueJs, Django, Postgres, Redis, Docker, and more.

  • HoverTrail

    A webapp to help people find the best trails to hike. Built with Remix, Tailwind and Postgres.

  • Questões PRO

    Webapp is a platform where users can answer questions and get paid for it. Built with Vue, Postgres, Bootstrap, and AdonisJS.

  • Trail Club de Goiás

    Built a admin dashboard to manage infos and generate report using Rails and deployed to digital ocean, and App was built using React Native consuming the API built with Rails